Support and Collaboration

We value the guidance, friendship, and collaboration that we receive from our network of mentors, supporters, and collaborators.

Through our work in the Broughton Archipelago, we are grateful to have collaborated with A̱ka̱la Society and the Nawalakw Culture Project to provide language and culture, and health and wellness program content in a Musgamagw Dzawada̱’enux̱w framework. 

We would like to thank the many people and organisations that make our programming possible - community members, collaborating organisations, and the youth participants and their caregivers who generously share their time and knowledge. With special thanks to the following organisations and individuals: 

Community Collaborators

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1% for Sea to Cedar Initiatives

Sea to Cedar is grateful to the businesses that contribute 1% of their profits towards our regional conservation and community programs. Their contribution goes directly towards programming and helps to link businesses, individuals, and nonprofits to create partnerships that bring capacity to the region.  

Interested in becoming a 1% donor? Contact us directly -


Photography by Lindsey willie, Jeremy Koreski, Adrien Mullin, & Sea to Cedar